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Jean-Francois Rey

Jean-Francois Rey is Product marketing director at ALE. In this role, he leads the product marketing team for the Communications Business Division.

Jean-Francois Rey

Jean-Francois Rey

Director, Product Marketing, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Jean-Francois is Product marketing director at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the product marketing team for the Communications Business Division.

Jean-Francois has 10 years of experience in solution and product marketing in the telecom and software industry. Jean-Francois is passionate about VoIP and collaboration technology and its business outcomes. Previously, he held various roles in CTO and software development organizations and is the co-author of 14 patents and 4 international standards.

Jean-Francois has a Master’s degree in Computer science from Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

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Digital Age Communications

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It’s not just millenials; every generation, including baby-boomers, are driving enterprises to shift to collaboration tools from the cloud.
